Donor egg diary pt1I should be happy, I have wanted to be pregnant for a very long time, and now that I finally got pregnant I just feel constant fear. I have…Dec 5, 2020Dec 5, 2020
Chasing Time to Make a BabyEvery month is a new beginning. A new mindset. A chance to start all over again. This could only be the world of infertility. Life is…Apr 23, 20201Apr 23, 20201
How to Survive Lockdown Without ChildrenSo, this post was going to be about how to survive lockdown sans enfants. Not all who are childless choose to be childfree, some are denied…Apr 14, 2020Apr 14, 2020
Two clinics, five IVFs and no babyWe have attempted IVF five times and had four transfers. Over those four transfers we have had eight embryos transferred with six of these…Dec 24, 2019Dec 24, 2019
What Makes Us Uncomfortable about Pregnancy and Baby Loss?I use the words pregnancy and baby loss throughout this article as there is a distinct definition of when a baby must be registered: 24…Oct 6, 201912Oct 6, 201912
IVF 3 From sheer joy to heart-breaking sadnessAs week 7 of our pregnancy rolled around we were still walking around on eggshells, frightened that something would go wrong and never…Sep 1, 20192Sep 1, 20192
Infertility blindnessTalking about infertility blindness isn’t easy, straight-forward or pleasant. When I first started writing this post and searched on…Jun 15, 201951Jun 15, 201951